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Writer's picturekambay19

What to do when the waves are too big...

With all the big winter swells and poring rain pushing in I have received a few requests for activities/ workouts that will benefit your surfing...

1) Pop-ups, Pop-ups, Pop-ups -> Doing these over & over will reinforce technique, which will set-up the beginning of the wave.

Here is a great youtube video -

2) Exercises for strength/ endurance - > Start with these to build strength & endurance

Body Weight Squats - The ankle, knee, hip, and spine all have major contribution to the majority of movements you’ll see out in the water. Force production and absorption, joint control, alignment, and strength, they’re all aspects that are truly relevant for long term durability, surfing, and athleticism. Squat with bodyweight, then add load, then add strength, then add power, then complexity. 3 sets of 10 -15

Pushups - a stronger upper body and core will help with duck dives, pop-ups, and shoulder injury prevention. 3 sets of 10 -15

Lunges - Look through any surf magazine/video and check out the leg and hip positions of surfers in any turn, barrel-crouch, air, or maneuver. 3 sets of 10 -15

Planks - Strengthening the core is essential to your endurance and surfing technique. 3 sets of 30 - 60 seconds

Resistance Band Training - To keep your paddling muscles fit, this exercise is well designated to target the back of the shoulders and the grand dorsals. The use of the elastic band is particularly interesting because of its gradual resistance quality, which is the same kind of resistance you get in the water. Bending forward slightly, knees unlocked, keep the chest out and shoulders back to ensure a straight trunk. Hold the elastic band in front of you, arms above your head. Pull one arm backward while keeping the shoulder engaged and opening the chest and then, alternate to the other arm.

3) Skateboard or Surf skate/ Carver board -> A carver skateboard was designed to replicate the movement of surfing on the land. This means that you can simulate the motion and feeling of riding and carving a wave without actually needing any waves. When the surf gets big my son & I will go down to one of the elementary school playgrounds to work on our balance, turns, & exercise.

Here is a great youtube video -

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